Load & Speed - Tire Guide | Hankook Tire Canada go to main prd
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Tire Guide

Load & Speed

The symbol that shows a tires performance level consists of two parts: Tire performance is marked by load index(LI) and speed symbol(SS). LI refers to the maximum weight that one tire can support and SS refers to the maximum speed that a tire can handle.

  • Load Index(LI)
    • Load index is a numerical code stipulating the maximum load each tire can carry.
      For example, if the load index is 100, it means that a tire can carry a load up to 800kg.

    • How much weight can your tires support?
      Enter your tires load Index in the boxes below and click the 'Enter'

      Load Index value (possible input range: 0~279)

    • Weight According to Load Index1pound(lb) = 0.4536kg

      LI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      KG 46.2 47.5 48.7 50 51.5 53 54.5 56 58 60
      Lbs 102 105 107 110 114 117 120 123 128 132
      LI 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
      KG 61.5 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77.5 80
      Lbs 136 139 143 148 152 157 161 165 171 176
      LI 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
      KG 109 112 115 118 121 125 128 132 136 140
      Lbs 240 247 254 260 267 276 282 291 300 309
      LI 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
      KG 145 150 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190
      Lbs 320 331 342 353 364 375 386 397 408 419
      LI 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
      KG 195 200 206 212 218 224 230 236 243 250
      Lbs 430 441 454 467 481 494 507 520 536 551
      LI 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
      KG 257 265 272 280 290 300 307 315 325 335
      Lbs 567 584 600 617 639 661 677 694 717 739
      LI 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
      KG 345 355 365 375 387 400 412 425 437 450
      Lbs 1,019 1,047 1,074 1,102 1,135 1,168 1,202 1,235 1,279 1,323
      LI 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
      KG 615 630 650 670 690 710 735 750 775 800
      Lbs 1,356 1,389 1,433 1,477 1,521 1,565 1,609 1,653 1,709 1,764
  • Speed Symbol(SS)
    • Speed Symbol indicates the maximum speed at which the weight (with the exception of weight when speed is equal to or exceeds 210km/h) designated by the manufacturing company can be supported by the tire.

    • How much speed can your tires support?
      Enter your tires code below and press ‘Enter’.

      Tire Code[possible input range: A1~(Y)]

    • Speed according to speed symbol1km/h = 0.621371mi/h

      speed rating
      Code km/h mph Code km/h mph
      A1 5 3 L 120 75
      A2 10 6 M 130 81
      A3 15 9 N 140 87
      A4 15 9 N 140 87
      A5 20 12 Q 150 94
      A6 30 19 R 170 106
      A7 35 22 S 180 112
      A8 40 25 T 190 118
      B 50 31 U 200 124
      C 60 37 H 210 130
      D 65 40 V 240 149
      E 70 43 Z over 240 over 149
      F 80 50 W 270 168
      G 90 56 (W) over 270 over 168
      J 100 62 Y 300 186
      K 110 68 (Y) over 300 over 186