Misconduct Reporting
The Misconduct Reporting is a space that welcomes anyone, including the employees of
Hankook Tire & Technology, affiliates, partners, and customers, to submit their opinions.
We welcome all opinions for improvement to any fraudulent or dishonest act, and unfair practices or policies by employees of Hankook Tire & Technology.
The informant and the report filed are kept strictly confidential, and we will make every effort to make sure
that the informant does not suffer any reprisals due to the report filed.
Hankook Tire & Technology has a reporting system in place pursuant to its regulations
on informant protection and compensation to allow informants to report without fear.
Report handling procedure
Receive the report
If the application is processed successfully, a unique application number will be assigned. (If the report is filed under a real name, the application number will be sent to the sender’s email address)
Fact check
Factual information will be verified and an investigation will be conducted under the informant protection principle, and the investigation period may vary depending on the issue.
After the investigation is completed, measures for improvement, whether to impose disciplinary action against those involved, and the amount of compensation will be confirmed and the case will be closed.
Check processing results
To check out the results, please enter the application number assigned at the time of reporting to [See Report Results].
Behavior to be reported
• Acts that cause property damage to the company due to unreasonableness of work• Abuse of the position or authority or violation of laws and regulations
• Making unfair profits in the budget spending or contract conclusion
• Unreasonable demand or provision of bribery
• Violation of the internal accounting management (misrepresentation of financial statements for assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expense, and fraudulent acts)
• Other violations of company rules, such as the company's code of ethics
※ Notes on reporting
• In principle, informants are required to file a report under their real name to ensure the credibility of reports.• Please note that we do not investigate any slanderous or false reports filed to malign a specific person.
• We do not investigate any civil matters such as personal disputes or privacy.
• We do not investigate matters related to investigation / trial / criminal execution and administrative litigation / trial pending or completed.
• We do not investigate matters related to public officials or public organizations outside the scope of purpose of Hankook Tire & Technology’s Misconduct Reporting
Reporting method
Please specify the informant, the person being reported, and the relevant details for 5W1H, accompanied by the associated evidence to file a report.However, in urgent cases, you may report only the facts without any evidence.